Horse racing is one of the oldest sports and, although it has evolved into a complex event involving large fields, sophisticated electronic monitoring equipment, and enormous sums of money, its basic concept remains unchanged. The first horse to cross the finish line is declared the winner. The sport was popular in ancient Greece, Rome, and Babylon and it is mentioned in the Bible and Norse mythology. It is also part of the fabric of American culture, with a national season of races each year and a host of betting options.
It is a dangerous sport and many horses die during training and from the exorbitant physical stress of racing. Two of the most famous deaths in recent history were Eight Belles, the 2008 filly that finished dead last in the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes, and Medina Spirit, who died after the Belmont Stakes in 2009. These tragedies have fueled debate about the ethics and integrity of horse racing.
The race is played by placing chips on the horse cards, each card bearing a number of a specific racehorse. The object is to make the most money by placing the chips on the winning horse in each race. The game is not always fair; a player can win only if his or her chip lands on the number of a winning horse. Players start by paying a $1 entry fee, after which they are dealt cards with racehorses on them. Each time a horse is scratched, the player must place a chip on a corresponding spot on the board.
As the runners accelerated out of the starting gate, Mongolian Groom balked, a sign that he was frightened or angry. Bettors like to look at a horse’s coat in the walking ring before a race, hoping to see it bright and rippling with sweat, because horses who are fresh and well-oiled are believed to be ready to run.
At the top of the backstretch, War of Will took the lead but quickly tired. On the far turn, McKinzie, a long-legged colt, and Vino Rosso, a chestnut with hypnotic movement, moved past him. By the final furlong, the field was tight, with the jockeys riding hard on their mounts, urging them forward.
The horse race is an effective selection method for senior executives because it forces candidates to prove their leadership qualities through a series of critical roles. However, if the process is mishandled, it can have a negative impact on other senior-level executives who may be vying for the position and deep leaders in other parts of the organization who might have aligned with an unsuccessful candidate. This can lead to discontent and conflict among the team members and a company’s competitive edge can be eroded. In addition, a poorly executed horse race can have a long-term negative effect on the organization’s ability to attract and retain top talent. Therefore, companies should use the horse race only when it is necessary and when the company can afford to lose some good candidates.